Our Identity

We at Grace Counseling are committed to helping you reach deep into those mysterious places within so you can discover, with God’s help, deep healing and freedom. Your ‘shimmering self’ may be hidden away beneath layer upon layer of confusion, shame, guilt, anger or fear.

“It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for”

— Ephesians 1:11, MSG

Discover Truth.

We have all felt confusion and hopelessness due to painful relational dynamics. It often takes great tragedy and then great courage to begin the journey of walking through one’s pain and story with the help of a guide. We hope we can provide that help as a safe place to begin to untangle the confusing relational issues, so that you may begin to see truth and find hope again. Dinah and Danny have provided just such a place for many over the past 28 years in their counseling practices. They have had to walk that same path to find grace and truth in their own lives. Dinah or Danny will walk with you as an individual or as a couple in a relational context looking more deeply at your life, seeing it as a story.

A Place to Process.

Our mission is to be a safe place for you to talk in vulnerable ways so you can find renewed emotional strength, relational connection, hope, and a revitalized passion for life and faith. It is not unusual for shame to fall away as you begin to share your struggles with a trusted source. We are committed to honoring Christ and the amazing gospel message through our ministry of counseling as we walk with you. We are guided by a biblical foundation and model that forms our categories of thinking.

We believe that it is possible to process through our struggles in a healing manner, learning to embrace our sorrows as well as identifying misperceptions we may have believed about ourselves, each other, and God. Our stories can then be seen as a mystery of both joy and sorrow, as are the scriptures that guide us, and as we are captured by God’s lovingkindness, faithfulness, and forgiveness.

Get started today.

“Oh, my dear children! I feel as if I’m going through labor pains for you again, and they will continue until Christ is fully developed in your lives. ”

— Galatians 4:19, NLT